Don’t you want the very best web hosting provider that can be found to meet your business needs?
There are so many business web hosting options available that it is often difficult to navigate through the many in order to find the one web hosting company that is best suited for your specific needs. When searching for your next website hosting company you must understand that there is a definable difference between cheap web hosting and affordable web hosting. When comparing hosting plans, you may notice plans for shared hosting and dedicated hosting. Shared hosting simply means that your web site will be hosted with other websites on the same server or machine. Shared hosting is good for the average web site where speed is not a priority. A dedicated server is just that, a server that is dedicated to your website. The advantages of a dedicated server are speed and control. The disadvantage is cost, you will usually have to pay a much larger monthly fee for having a dedicated hosting plan. If you know nothing about Unix, Linux, or network administration make sure to get a managed dedicated server. The hosting company will take care of all the security and software patches/updates that arise over time. Make sure to review the hosting company's terms and FAQ concerning their dedicated servers to determine if their service is right for you. Hostinger
Hostinger is approved by CNet, TechRadar, Mashable, and others. They are the preferred web hosting provider of over 29 million users worldwide. You can experience their cutting-edge technology with some of the most competitive prices on the market within their industry.
HostGator is a world leading provider of shared, reseller and dedicated web hosting. Privately held and based in Houston, Texas with a full in-house support team of over 150 industry veterans. Customers are not required to sign up for any contract longer than month to month service. They have no setup fees on any of their plans.
HostGator provides over 150,000 customers with innovative products and services designed to complement their existing businesses. From Freelancers, to Fortune 500 companies in more than 170 countries worldwide, they grow at an outstanding rate each day. In 2008, HostGator was recognized by Inc. Magazine as one of the fastest growing private companies in America. According to Inc. Magazine, HostGator is the 21st fastest growing private company in America, the second fastest growing private company in the "business services" sector, and the fastest growing private company in Texas.
Liquid Web
They provide you with an unrivaled hosting experience, delivering 99.999% uptime & 24/7 access to the Most Helpful Humans in Hosting®. A truly managed, Cloud solution built to optimize Magento, WooCommerce and WordPress sites, store and applications. A comprehensive set of tools that gives you everything you need to run a WordPress freelance business.
InterServer has been providing the same services for the last 16 years! Over the years their company has expanded its product offerings to include dedicated servers, colocation and other managed services. As a technology and product innovator, Interserver is able to provide its innumerable customers with innovative products and services designed to complement their existing businesses. They serve customers ranging from individual freelancers to Fortune 500 companies in many countries. Over the years, Interserver has built a solid reputation for their commitment to security, reliability, technical expertise all while providing outstanding customer support.
Their Award-Winning, Feature-Rich Web Services
WordPress Hosting Optimized WordPress hosting! All the WordPress features you'll love including WordPress pre-installed, Free WordPress migration, Advanced WordPress caching, Free backups, Free Let's Encrypt SSL, and Cloudflare CDN for faster page load speeds. Reseller Program Now, users can resell Hostpapa's 100% green web hosting services to their own customers under their own brand name; and you can make a profit by referring them to this ready-to-go business opportunity. Basic Email Represent your company and brand professionally with every email you send. Instead of [email protected], you can be [email protected]. No more mismatch between your company’s identity and the email address where customers and important contacts need to reach you. Advanced Email If you are running a group, organization or business, you may want (and expect) more advanced features. With HostPapa Advanced Email, you get them, including integrated contacts and calendars, file sharing and storage, and more. Email provided through shared web hosting accounts is great, but has its limitations. With HostPapa Advanced Email, for mere pennies a day, the incremental gains in productivity, security, and reliability are exponential! Domains It all starts with a domain name. Your domain name creates the starting point to your own address on the Internet. Choose from classic domain endings, such as .com and .net, or explore new domain endings. HostMonster
HostMonster is known in the industry with the best overall offering and support staff to provide an unequaled experience for their customers.
For only $6.95 per month they offer:
Easyspace is one of the longest established hosting companies and domain registrars in the UK – founded in 1997 and part of AIM listed iomart plc.
Hopefully after reading this and checking out the different options each of these hosting companies offer, you will have a better understanding of all the terms associated with web hosting and choose a hosting company that is right for your business.
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